
End of Lent Term - April 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This seems to have been one of the busiest terms we have had for a while. In a sense, it is good to get back to the ‘normal’ but it is very busy. The girls have put in a huge amount of effort, dedication and commitment to all areas of School life. In this letter, I just want to concentrate on the House activities but it is always good to bear in mind that these pupils do all this and the weekly fixtures, many demanding activities, as well as their lessons and prep. Despite this, I am blessed in TC with tremendous talent. Everything from wonderful artists to cross-stitch and crafts.

TC compete at a high level in all the House activities. We have good teams in everything and always challenge. Firstly, Senior debating was great this year. Emily Miskin and Anya Sanikop put up a really good fight against Wendron-Gordon, and, in fact, won over many of the audience to pay for University fees. Not an easy task. Particularly as no-one really wants to pay! Well done to them.

We have also had the quiz. This was quite difficult as you either know the answer or you don’t. Anya, Sophia, Olivia, Ruvimbo and Maria represented the House well. It was saddening that we went out early.

The House Music and Drama were excellent. I know much work went into both the Junior House Drama and the Senior competition. The juniors did The Ghost of Detention.

Isla Chattin - Gertrude
Emily Collett – Bender
Maria Christodoulou
Katie Harris - Coach/Jimmy
Evie Hastings - Belle Gable
Ella Loftus – Penny
Darcy McCormack – Harm

It was wonderfully directed by Anya Sanikop, aided by Jessica Whitlock and Paris Siviter. It was funny and very well put together.

Senior House Drama was a triumph as we came runner up for best play. The Seniors performed Posh by Laura Wade. This was Directed by Jessica Whitlock and Paris Siviter. The girls worked very hard to learn their lines and produced a very funny extract.

This play involved:-

Sophia Meadows – Rachel
Amelia Rowe - James
Anya Sanikop – Hugo
Paris Siviter – Dimitri
Serisha Sunner – Guy
Jessica Whitlock – Ed
Megan Wilson – Chris

Even better was the fact that Charlotte James (at short notice) had the skill and the resources to take over as technical director of the theatre and control both lighting and sound admirably throughout all the performances. She was given a special award at the end of the evening for all her efforts.

TC have had the best representation in the House Music competition ever. Many TC girls involved themselves in either the individual competition or the ensemble. Both Sophia Meadows and Evie Hastings reached the final of the individual performances. This in itself was a great achievement as there were many participants.

The ensemble was great fun with an Amy Winehouse number well performed and outstandingly backed up with great musicians.

Sport is another area where TC girls work really hard to be competitive and produce their best. The 1.2s was one of those moments where a great team performance managed to secure a win. Everybody in the team worked hard and Ella Loftus was particularly excellent, achieving the best time this year in the girls' competition. Yet, all the girls have to run a relay and they all achieved good times around the course.

In Junior Netball, we had two teams entered into this year’s competition. The juniors won the cup and fought hard in the plate (coming second), a good performance considering they only had five members of the team available. Our senior netballers worked very hard against some difficult competition. They came third.


Senior Volleyball was brilliant! The seniors produced a team of 5, it was supposed to be 6, and still won the whole tournament. Great play everyone.

This week has seen Sports Day. It was a very close competition. I know we put up a good fight even if we did not win. It was good to see wins from Beth Lawson in the javelin, Tyanna Semper in the 100m and Ruby Raine winning the javelin. We also had great wins in the relay. The Fifth Form were particularly impressive here. Sports Day can be quite daunting if you do not do athletics on a regular basis and many of the girls had not competed for some time. They all performed well and I appreciate their enthusiasm in coming forward and filling the team sheet.

In other events – It seems like a long time ago but the New Year party was fun - with some great singing too. I do not think I will ever forget Anaiya Sunner’s and Elise Connell’s renditions in the karaoke. The Ball, last weekend, was another lovely occasion. School House hosted this year and everyone seemed to be having a good time. I would like to publicly thank the School House PA for all their time and organisation of the event.


In the last week, we also had an Easter egg hunt - it was short and sweet in more ways than one! Just last night, the Upper Sixth girls and the tutors went out for a farewell leavers' meal. It was great to spend a social evening together.

Time goes so quickly, IB2 students are now on study leave and there is only three weeks of the Summer Term before both the GCSE and the A level girls will go home and prepare (May 13th).

Just a polite reminder that all the girls are required to be back in School for Commemoration (Saturday 2nd July) and the Friday (1st July) before. This is for rehearsals, book returns, House assemblies and general administration.

Also, the girls return in summer uniform next term. The skirt can be either the blue tartan or the red. Please could I ask that all skirts are knee length.

I would officially like to thank the tutors who work very hard on behalf of the girls. Also to Lorraine, our housekeeper, as she is there for the girls at all times in the House.

Finally, I would like to thank the TCPA. They work hard behind the scenes on behalf of all the girls and I appreciate their support of me and the House.

Happy Easter.

Kind regards

Kay Hannah

Ties awarded this term
Chloe Adcock
Jess Fox
Evie Hastings
Sarah Mariah
Maria C
Grace Morrall

Colours are awarded to:
Jessica Whitlock
Charlotte James

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