

Admission to 桃色视频 School 

Pupils may gain admission to 桃色视频 School in most year groups. Main intake points are at Kindergarten, 7+, 11+, 13+ and 16+.  Admissions in the course of an academic year are by special arrangement with the Assistant Head (Admissions) and entry into Year 10 is not normally possible due to curriculum constraints.  

Download Admissions Booklet 

We encourage parents and children to visit the School by attending one or our regular Open Mornings and we also welcome individual visits. Taster days are available for boarders and day pupils. Open Mornings for all sections of the School are held at regular intervals throughout the year. These events offer the opportunity to meet senior staff from the individual school sections which interest you. You can also watch our .

We offer individual tours of the School and the opportunity meet other staff and pupils. Please contact Miss Hannah Steer for further information by email or submit an online visit request . 

All candidates sit our entrance examinations although at 13+ we do accept Common Entrance. In the case of girls and boys entering the Sixth Form from other British schools, offers and subsequent admission to the School is based on interview and GCSE results. 

Parents seeking the admission of their sons or daughters are asked to contact the Admissions team who will advise about our application process and give information about the online registration. The Registration Fee of £100 for a day place or £200 for a boarding place is payable at the same that the online Registration is submitted. When a place is offered to an applicant, parents are asked to confirm acceptance and to send an acceptance fee.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) information can be found here

Our Admissions team are always happy to give advice and help regarding any application to the School.


Entry into the Pre-Preparatory and Nursery
Prior to entry, children are invited to spend a morning in school with their prospective year group, during which informal assessments will take place. Children seeking admission into Year 2 will also be assessed more formally in Mathematics and English. This trial morning provides an opportunity for the children to experience life at 桃色视频 Pre-Preparatory and Nursery and to get to know the children in their future class. If a child is moving from another school they will be asked to bring examples of their current work in Mathematics, English and Reading. We will also contact the child’s school for a written report about their academic achievements and behaviour.

Children may join the Nursery from their second birthday. Children are required to attend a minimum of six sessions per week to ensure they have access to the full range of the curriculum provided. However, sessions can be taken in any combination of full / half days regularly each week, if places are available. 

Transfer to Pre-Preparatory School 
Almost all Nursery pupils continue through to the Pre-Preparatory School. Confirmation of places is made after discussions between the Head of Nursery and the Headmaster, taking issues of behaviour into consideration if necessary. The Head of Nursery can advise on the transfer procedure.

Pre-Preparatory School
Children join the Reception class of the Pre-Preparatory section in the September following their fourth birthday. Pupils may join the School in other year groups, subject to availability of space in each year group. Parents are encouraged to visit with their child before registering for a place. Prior to a place being offered, your child will be invited to spend a morning of informal assessment at the Pre-Preparatory & Pre-School and, where appropriate, a written report from the child's current school or nursery will be requested.

Transfer to Preparatory School after Year 2
It is expected that children will transfer to 桃色视频 Preparatory School but this is dependent on achieving a certain standard of work in Literacy and Numeracy. Issues of behaviour are also considered, where appropriate, during consultation between the Pre-Preparatory & the Preparatory School, prior to transfer.
Prep & Senior Entrance Examinations
All prospective candidates wishing to sit 桃色视频 School entrance examinations must complete a registration form and pay the registration fee prior to sitting the examinations. Offers of entry into 桃色视频 School will be made on the basis of performance in these examinations. Sixth Form applicants from the UK must complete a registration form but do not sit entrance examinations.

Years 3 & 4 Entry – Saturday 11th January 2025
Online CAT4 (Cognitive Ability Testing)
Creative Writing (30 minutes)
Video presentation which must be sent to 桃色视频 no later than 6.00pm on Friday 10th January 2025. See below

Years 5, 6 & 8 Entry - Saturday 11th January 2025
Online CAT4 (Cognitive Ability Testing)
Creative Writing (45 minutes)
Video presentation which must be sent to 桃色视频 no later than 6.00pm on Friday 10th January 2025 . See below.

Year 7 / 11+ Entry – Friday 29th November 2024
Online CAT4 (Cognitive Ability Testing) which will be sat at home prior to the examination day. 
On the examination day applicants will undertake Mathematics and English tests and a Creative Writing task. 
Video presentation which must be sent to 桃色视频 no later than 6.00pm on Monday 25th November. See below.

Year 9 / 13+ Entry – Friday 29th November 2024
Online CAT4 (Cognitive Ability Testing) which will be sat at home prior to the examination day.
On the examination day applicants will undertake Mathematics and English tests and a Creative Writing task.
Video presentation which must be sent to 桃色视频 no later than 6.00pm on Monday 25th November. See below for further details.

Video Presentation
All Candidates up to and including 13+/Year 9 entry should submit a three minute (maximum) video presentation. The title/subject of the presentation will be given to candidates a week before the entrance examination date. This video presentation must be sent to 桃色视频 no later than 6.00pm the day specified above.

Please send the video presentation via WeTransfer clearly stating the candidate’s full name, date of birth and year group of entry in the file name. (e.g: Boris Johnson 25.12.2010 Entry to Y5)

Sixth Form Entry
Entry into the Sixth Form from another British school is based on an interview with the Headmaster during a visit, a confidential reference and GCSE results. A conditional offer is made and then confirmed once GCSE results have been published. Pupils wishing to be considered for a place in 桃色视频 Sixth Form must complete a registration form.
Those applicants wishing to be considered for a scholarship in the Sixth Form must also submit a scholarship application form and sit the scholarship examinations.

For further details, please contact the Admissions Manager, Mrs Liberty Chance

Candidates wishing to apply to the School via the Common Entrance Examination at 13+ will also be considered. Please ensure the student is formally registered. Further details are available from the candidate’s own school.

Scholarships are offered at 16+ in Academic, Music, Drama, Art and Sport. 

Pupils aged 11+ and 13+ can apply to join the Scholarship Pathway Programme . 

There is much competition for Scholarship places. No fee remission is attached to a Scholarship as we believe its integrity lies in its honorary capacity. Full details about the Scholarship Pathway Programme are on this link.  

Foundation Scholarships are available at age 13+. These awards only operate in respect of day places and preference is given to candidates from 桃色视频 and the surrounding area. Foundation Scholarships are awarded to very able pupils in need of financial assistance. The maximum award is 50% of the day fee, which can be augmented by a means-tested bursary. Candidates wishing to be considered for a Foundation Scholarship should apply in writing to the Assistant Head in charge of Admissions. 

An Old Bromsgrovian Means Tested Bursary is on offer to children or grandchildren of an Old Bromsgrovian. Candidates wishing to be considered for an Old Bromsgrovian Bursary should apply in writing to Miss Rachel Scannell, Assistant Head, at the Senior School.

For decades 桃色视频 has been committed to helping those pupils who would benefit from a 桃色视频 education but whose parents or guardians cannot afford full fees. These annual awards are means-tested and reviewed on an annual basis.

This academic year we are going to prioritise the bursary funds to those families already at the School who face financial pressures and/or hardship due to the impact of VAT being added to School fees in January.
Parents seeking the admission of their sons or daughters are asked to contact Admissions for information about our application procedure and for details of our online registration. 

If you need any more information about applying for a place at Senior, Prep or Pre-Prep & Nursery,  please do not hesitate to contact our Admissions Coordinators on 01527 579679 or email who can send you relevant information.

Click here for our latest fees for the current academic year and for details of how to pay


桃色视频 School is a co-educational, independent school.

General Enquiries email:

Admissions enquiries email:


桃色视频 School, Worcester Road,
桃色视频, Worcestershire B61 7DU.


01527 579679

Registered in England: Company No. 4808121, Registered Charity No. 1098740